About lumbar pain

What is lumbar pain?

Depending on the cause, low back pain can cause a range of symptoms. The pain may be dull or sharp. It may be in one small area or over a broad area. You may have muscle spasms.

Low back pain can also cause leg symptoms, such as pain, numbness, or tingling, often extending below the knee.

A rare but serious problem called cauda equina syndrome can occur if the nerves at the end of the spinal cord are squeezed. Seek emergency treatment if you have weakness or numbness in both legs or you lose bladder or bowel control.

Most low back pain is short-term (acute) and will go away in a few weeks. It is more likely to become long-lasting (chronic) if you are depressed or under stress.

What are the symptoms for lumbar pain?

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These might range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The Pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Pain that comes on suddenly is “acute.” It might happen during sports or heavy lifting. Pain that lasts more than 3 months is considered “chronic.” If your Pain is not better within 72 hours, you should consult a doctor.

What are the causes for lumbar pain?

The following are a few of the many reasons for lower back pain:

If your job involves lifting, pulling, or anything that twists the spine, it may contribute to back pain. However, sitting at a desk all day comes with risks of its own, especially if your chair is uncomfortable or you tend to slouch.

Although you may wear your purse, backpack, or briefcase over your shoulder, it is the lower back that supports the upper body -- including any additional weight you carry. So an overstuffed bag can strain the lower back, especially if you carry it day after day. If you must tote a heavy load, consider switching to a wheeled briefcase.

Overdoing it at the gym or golf course is one of the most common causes of overextended muscles leading to low back pain. You're especially vulnerable if you tend to be inactive during the work week and then spend hours at the gym or softball field on the weekend.

Moms were right when they said, "Stand up straight!" Your back supports weight best when you don't slouch. This means sitting with good lumbar support for your lower back, shoulders back, with feet resting on a low stool. When standing, keep weight evenly balanced on both feet.

The spine's vertebrae are cushioned by gel-like disks that are prone to wear and tear from aging or injuries. A weakened disk may rupture or bulge, putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots. This is known as a herniated disk and can cause intense pain.

What are the treatments for lumbar pain?

Back pain due to muscle strain will usually get better on its own, but you can take steps to make yourself more comfortable. A heating pad or warm baths may provide temporary pain relief.

When your back hurts, you may not feel like getting out of bed. But if the problem is muscle strain, doctors recommend returning to your normal activities as soon as possible. Studies suggest that any more than a day or two of bed rest can actually make the pain worse and may reduce muscle tone and flexibility.


If back pain doesn't go away in 3 months, there's evidence that yoga can help. In one study, people who took 12 weeks of yoga classes had less back pain than those who got a book about back pain. The benefits lasted several months. Just make sure you get expert instruction so you don’t hurt yourself.

Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractors and some osteopathic doctors may try to move the joints of your spine to treat low back pain. They apply pressure with their hands to bones and surrounding tissues. This treatment is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to tell your provider about all your symptoms and health issues.

Massage Therapy

Massage may relieve chronic low back pain, especially when combined with exercise and stretching. Researchers noted patients who did all three were able to move around easier and had less short-term and long-term pain.


Can acupuncture treat back pain? The evidence is mixed for people with short-term back pain. Research showed that these people benefited from sham acupuncture as much as from real acupuncture. However, in other studies, people with chronic or long-lasting backpain did show improvement after receiving acupuncture treatments


Mild back pain often feels better with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Pain-relieving creams may be helpful for muscle aches. For severe pain or chronic pain, your doctor may recommend prescription medication.

What are the risk factors for lumbar pain?

Most people experience back pain first when they're in their 30s. The odds of additional attacks increase with age. Other reasons your low back may hurt include:

  • Being overweight
  • Being sedentary
  • Lifting heavy stuff on the job

Is there a cure/medications for lumbar pain?

Lumbar pain is the pain in the lower back, which is the area of the back that initiates below the ribcage. Usually, lumbar pain is not serious, and everyone has low back pain at some point in their life. The symptoms of lumbar pain range from a stabbing sensation to a dull ache. The pain may restrict easy moving or standing up straight.


  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: Lower back pain can be relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. This includes Advil, Motrin IB, and several others. Naproxen sodium, such as Aleve may also help in relieving lower back pain.
  • Muscle relaxants: If an individual encounter mild to moderate lumbar pain and the pain does not eliminate with OTC, a muscle relaxant is usually prescribed by the physician.
  • Topical pain relievers: These products are usually delivered via skin such as ointments, patches, or creams, which act as pain-relieving substances.
  • Narcotics: Drugs having opioids such as hydrocodone or oxycodone may be given for a short time by the doctor. Opioids cannot work well for chronic pain.
  • Antidepressants: Specific antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants and duloxetine can relieve chronic back pain.

Stabbing sensation or a dull ache in the lumbar region
Ibuprofen,Advil,Motrin IB,Muscle relaxant,Duloxetine,Hydrocodone or oxycodone

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